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Commented 10 years ago
Simhangar RWD-8 PWS FSX & P3D
Simhangar RWD-8 PWS FSX & P3D - Simhangar RWD-8 PWS FSX & P3D is a free addon for Microsoft Flight Simulator
Without the usual trim mechanism and no autopilot, you have to actually fly the airplane, just like a real one.Excellent work by the designers.Thanks for all your hard work.
Voted 10 years ago
Simhangar RWD-8 PWS FSX & P3D
Simhangar RWD-8 PWS FSX & P3D - Simhangar RWD-8 PWS FSX & P3D is a free addon for Microsoft Flight Simulator
Rated the app at:
Commented 10 years ago
Simhangar RWD-8 PWS FSX & P3D
Simhangar RWD-8 PWS FSX & P3D - Simhangar RWD-8 PWS FSX & P3D is a free addon for Microsoft Flight Simulator
Wonderful airplane, I love flying the RWD-8.