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Voted 9 years ago
Windows 7 Manager
Windows 7 Manager - Optimize, tweak, clean up, repair, and improve security of Windows 7 PCs.
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Commented 9 years ago
Windows 7 Manager
Windows 7 Manager - Optimize, tweak, clean up, repair, and improve security of Windows 7 PCs.
Erased one of my Windows folders while running...
Windows 7 Manager
Windows 7 Manager - Optimize, tweak, clean up, repair, and improve security of Windows 7 PCs.
Since Version 5 was released, I have experienced system problems that go away once I restore from backup. Advise you to have a good backup before installing it in case the same happens...
Voted 9 years ago
Windows 7 Manager
Windows 7 Manager - Optimize, tweak, clean up, repair, and improve security of Windows 7 PCs.
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