Enables developers to package the same code into native apps.
An IDE that makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board.
Tool that keeps your VPN connection open.
It enables you to protect your computer against viruses.
Facebook video-calling powered by Skype is essentially all about convenience.
It is a program that scans your computer for the apps you have installed.
A recommendation engine that gives your browser homepage a newspaper look.
A popular web browsers, known for its speed, simplicity, and security.
A utility to set up, edit and manage network profiles.
Provides improved graphics performance adn 3D video capabilities.
Download videos, resume broken and accelerate downloads by up to 10 times.
Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.
A communication app that connect people, services and information.
Windows Defender is a powerful and easy-to-use anti-malware tool.
Create word documents, presentations, databases, and spreadsheets.
Take your skills to the next level with tables, formulas, formatting and more.
Microsoft Outlook offers premium business and personal e-mail management tools.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 allows you to create and share dynamic presentations
It will help you to create, personalize and distribute newsletters, brochures.
Program that allows you to create documents.
Create, design, test and layout professional PCBs.
Chat and make audio/video calls with your friends.
Download popular programs, drivers and latest updates easily.
Send free messages and make free calls to other Viber users.
Plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, etc.
A powerful and convenient media manager from Microsoft
Compress and e-mail files and folders using RAR and ZIP archive formats.
Easy-to-use BitTorrent download client for Windows OS.