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Installed 10 years ago
UpdateStar - UpdateStar displays newer versions available for your installed programs .
Removed 10 years ago
UpdateStar - UpdateStar displays newer versions available for your installed programs .
Installed 10 years ago
UpdateStar - UpdateStar displays newer versions available for your installed programs .
View all 8 programs
Removed 10 years ago
Adobe Flash Player Plugin for IE
Adobe Flash Player Plugin for IE - Play Flash video, animation, and games in Internet Explorer.
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer - Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.
Installed 10 years ago
Skype - Chat and make audio/video calls with your friends.
PlayFree Browser
PlayFree Browser - It gives you access to tons of top-quality casual games.
DefaultTab - DefaultTab by Search results LLC is a adware browser modifier.
View all 6 programs
Removed 10 years ago
SpeedUpMyComputer - SpeedUpMyComputer will increase the speed of your computer.
Skype - Chat and make audio/video calls with your friends.
PlayFree Browser
PlayFree Browser - It gives you access to tons of top-quality casual games.
View all 10 programs
Installed 10 years ago
Removed 10 years ago
Installed 10 years ago
Removed 10 years ago
DefaultTab - DefaultTab by Search results LLC is a adware browser modifier.
Installed 10 years ago
DefaultTab - DefaultTab by Search results LLC is a adware browser modifier.
Removed 10 years ago
USB Disk Security
USB Disk Security - Block threats that can damage your PC or compromise your personal information.
Quick Heal Update Manager
Quick Heal Update Manager - Receive daily signature and virus definitions updates for Quick Heal products.
BlackBox - Blackbox is a stealth monitoring system for AOL 6.0, AIM, ICQ and Yahoo Messenger. Blackbox intercep
View all 7 programs
Installed 10 years ago
Removed 10 years ago
µTorrent (uTorrent)
µTorrent (uTorrent) - Easy-to-use BitTorrent download client for Windows OS.
Installed 10 years ago
USB Disk Security
USB Disk Security - Block threats that can damage your PC or compromise your personal information.
Quick Heal Update Manager
Quick Heal Update Manager - Receive daily signature and virus definitions updates for Quick Heal products.
View all 4 programs
Voted 10 years ago
Need For Extreme
Need For Extreme - The game Need For Extreme presents a breathtaking variety of arcade races. You drive a racing car an
Rated the app at:
Installed 10 years ago
Removed 10 years ago
Installed 10 years ago
PC Speed Maximizer
PC Speed Maximizer - It detects and fixes the issues slowing down your PC’s performance.
avast! Internet Security
avast! Internet Security - Provides advanced protection for your online activity.
Apps Hat
Apps Hat - You can discover new apps, both free and discounted from the Android market.
View all 9 programs
Removed 10 years ago
Installed 10 years ago
Adobe Flash Player Plugin non-IE
Adobe Flash Player Plugin non-IE - Run flash animations and videos in various web browsers.
Adobe Flash Player Plugin for IE
Adobe Flash Player Plugin for IE - Play Flash video, animation, and games in Internet Explorer.
Removed 10 years ago
Adobe Flash Player Plugin non-IE
Adobe Flash Player Plugin non-IE - Run flash animations and videos in various web browsers.
Adobe Flash Player Plugin for IE
Adobe Flash Player Plugin for IE - Play Flash video, animation, and games in Internet Explorer.
View all 7 programs
Installed 10 years ago
Removed 10 years ago
Installed 10 years ago
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer - Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.
Removed 10 years ago
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer - Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.
Installed 10 years ago
Microsoft Security Essentials
Microsoft Security Essentials - It protects you against viruses, spyware, and other malicious threats.
Removed 10 years ago
Microsoft Security Essentials
Microsoft Security Essentials - It protects you against viruses, spyware, and other malicious threats.
Installed 10 years ago
PlayFree Browser
PlayFree Browser - It gives you access to tons of top-quality casual games.
Mozilla Maintenance Service
Mozilla Maintenance Service - The service allows Firefox to install updates without UAC confirmation.
Firefox - Surf the Internet securely on an open-source web browser.
Removed 10 years ago
Mozilla Maintenance Service
Mozilla Maintenance Service - The service allows Firefox to install updates without UAC confirmation.
Firefox - Surf the Internet securely on an open-source web browser.
Installed 10 years ago
Removed 10 years ago
PlayFree Browser
PlayFree Browser - It gives you access to tons of top-quality casual games.
View all 5 programs
Installed 10 years ago
Passware Kit Basic
Passware Kit Basic - This is the 'basic' version of password recovery tool.
Adobe Flash Player Plugin non-IE
Adobe Flash Player Plugin non-IE - Run flash animations and videos in various web browsers.