Attorney and Counselor at Law
Residence: 109 Remington Ct. N. Dr., Mishawaka, IN 46545-8096
1(219) 252-9089
[email protected]
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Admitted to the Practice of Law Before the Following Courts:
November 1, 1982, Supreme Court of Illinois, #6183126, Cook County, IL #52835, DuPage County, IL #10575, December 6, 1982, US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, US District Courts for the: December 16, 1982, General bar, Northern District of Illinois, February 1, 1990, Trial bar, Northern District of Illinois; January 6, 1986, Eastern District of Wisconsin, February 14, 1986, Northern District of Indiana, May 18, 1994, Southern District of Indiana and May 10, 1995, Central District of Illinois
Other Professional Licenses:
From September 23, 2003 until December 31, 2007, I was a loan solicitor, and a legal insurance producer in Indiana. From December 24, 2003 until December 31, 2007 I was an Indiana life insurance producer. From March 9, 2004 until March 9, 2008, I was an Illinois life insurance producer. From July 1, 2005 until June 30, 2007, I was an Illinois loan solicitor Reg. #032.0000343. From the July 1, 2005 until the present, I have been an Indiana Substitute Teacher, substituting in Porter County, Indiana public and private schools.
January 2, 1991, Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) Certified Hearings Referee; February 1, 1999, CMS Certified Public Service Administrator
Since November 1, 1982 I have been a solo general practitioner attorney and counselor at law in Chicago, Illinois. Some of the cases I have litigated include: Indiana University v. Canganelli, 501 N.E.22d 299 (Ill. App. Ct., 1986); Canganelli v. Lake County Ind. Dept. of Pub. Welfare (In re Canganelli), 132 B.R. 369 (Bankr. N.D. Ind., 1991) which was disparaged only as to the portion which had gone against me in http://laws.lp.findlaw.com/getcase/7th/case/972761.html; and CANGANELLI v. CANGANELLI, 766 N.E.22d 411, (Ind. Ct. App., 2002). In January 11, 2001, I was concurrently an independent contractor having attained the rank of Associate Three with Life Force International, #20561394. Since August 1999, I have concurrently been an Independent Business Owner with Unicity Network (formerly Rexall Showcase International, Inc.), #35101301. From May 8, 2006 until December 31, 2007, I was concurrently an independent contractor talent scout manager for Impact Worldwide with my scout ID being MICA4688. From the fall of 2005 until the present, I have been concurrently an Indiana Substitute Teacher in all Porter County Indiana school systems from first grade through high school level. In April 1990, I was concurrently substitute taught in Whiting, Indiana, before the licensing requirement. From September 23, 2003 until December 31, 2007, I was concurrently an independent contractor holding the rank of District Leader at a 50% sales commission level with Primerica Financial Services, Solution #BERN3. From April 17, 2007 through July 31, 2007, I was concurrently an attorney at ComPsych Corporation, Legal Connect Division, NBC Tower 13th Floor, 455 N. Cityfront Plaza Drive, Chicago, IL 606115322, providing general legal information and local attorney referrals by telephone and email. From August 2000 until August 2004, I was concurrently an independent contractor Team Trainer performing sales with ACN (formerly American Communications Network). From October 1, 1998 until December 31, 2004, I served concurrently as a Public Service Administrator for the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES), Revenue Bureau, Remittances and Reporting Division, Document Control Subdivision, Magnetic Media Unit, Diskette Section, wherein I supervised up to eight full time Unemployment Insurance Revenue Analyst II staff persons, beginning at $61,800 per annum, ending at $70,704. From August 16, 1998 until September 30, 1998, I served concurrently as a Hearings Referee, Board of Review, Illinois Department of Employment Security in Chicago, Illinois, beginning and ending at $56,184. From December 1, 1993 until August 15, 1998, I served concurrently as a Hearings Referee, Appeals Division, Administrative Hearings Subdivision, Tax Unit, Illinois Department of Employment Security in Chicago, Illinois, beginning at $35,000 and ending at $56,184, where I wrote the original decision after hearing in DIRECTOR OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY vs National Data Services of Chicago, Inc., H37509 which was upheld by the Illinois Appellate Court in http://www.state.il.us/court/Opinions/AppellateCourt/2001/2ndDistrict/March/Html/2000078.htm. From July 1, 1990 until November 30, 1993, I concurrently acted as a Hearings Referee, Appeals Division, Benefits Appeals Subdivision, Metro South Unit, Illinois Department of Employment Security in Chicago and Burbank, Illinois, beginning at $29,604 and ending at $35,000. From November 9, 1988 until August 31, 1989, I served concurrently as a Managing Attorney for Hyatt Legal Services in Forest Park and Homewood, Illinois, supervising up to four staff attorneys and four legal assistants, beginning at $24,000 and ending at $40,200. From July 7, 1987 until November 9, 1988 I served concurrently as a Staff Attorney for Hyatt Legal Services in Burbank, Chicago (Ford City), Tinley Park, and occasionally in Homewood and LaGrange, Illinois, beginning and ending at $23,000. From 1984 until July 7, 1987, I was concurrently an attorney with Klimek & Ricchiardi in Chicago, Illinois. From January 25, 1981 until July 7, 1987, I was concurrently an Emergency Management Program Specialist, Series 301, General Schedule 12, for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region V, in both Chicago, Illinois and Battle Creek, Michigan, beginning at $23,942 and ending at $37,997. From November 1, 1979 until January 24, 1981, I was a Land Law Examiner in the Lands and Mining Section, Lands and Minerals Operations Branch, Technical Division, Wyoming State Office, Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, in Cheyenne, Wyoming, beginning at $19,604 and ending at $23,000, where I wrote additional decision letters later affirmed in the Geosearch, Inc. series of cases which were decided before the US Department of the Interior’s Board of Land Appeals and affirmed in many decisions in federal courts, including the US Supreme Court. From July 1, 1979 until October 31, 1979, I was a Paralegal Specialist for the Oil and Gas Section, Lands and Minerals Operations Branch, Technical Division, Wyoming State Office, Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior, in Cheyenne, Wyoming, beginning and ending at $19,604, where I wrote decision letters later affirmed in the Geosearch, Inc. series of cases which were decided before the US Department of the Interior’s Board of Land Appeals and affirmed in many decisions in federal courts, including the US Supreme Court. From November 24, 1978 until June 30, 1979, I was a postal clerk five while also training to become a postal clerk six at the Main Post Office, Chicago, Illinois, beginning at $7.09 and ending at $7.21 per hour. From January 8, 1975 until November 23, 1978, I was the Senior Law Clerk and Law Librarian for Gottlieb & Schwartz in Chicago, Illinois, beginning at $6,900 and ending at $10,000, where I performed research and other services related to Daniel v. Central States Pension Fund, Thompson v. Trafelet, and other federal and Illinois state cases.
Legal Education:
I was awarded a Juris Doctor degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology/Chicago-Kent College of Law on June 18, 1978.
Pre-Law Educational Background:
Although I never started the graduate seminar or thesis, I did finish the otherwise required course work for a master of arts degree in Religious Studies at Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana), December 1974. I was awarded a Bachelor of Arts from Indiana University (Double Major in Religious Studies and History) (Bloomington, Indiana), May 15, 1974.
Bar Association Membership:
I am a former member of: American Bankruptcy Institute, January 2000-June 2001, American Bar Association, 1977-1978, 1983, 1990-2002, and 2004, American Judicature Society, 1983, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, 1983, Catholic Lawyers Guild, St. Thomas More Society, (Diocese of Gary in Indiana) , 1995, Chicago Council of Lawyers, 1983, Federal Bar Association, 1983, (Illinois) Government Bar Association, 1995-2006, Illinois Association of Administrative Law Judges, 1990-2006, where I served as either the elected secretary or an elected member of the Board of Directors from 1990-1999, Illinois Native American Bar Association, 2003-2006, Illinois State Bar Association, 1977-1978 and 1983, Justinian Society of Lawyers (Northwest Indiana), 1985-1990, National Association of Administrative Law Judges, 1990-2006, Seventh Circuit Bar Association, 1983-1986, Student Bar Association of the Illinois Institute of Technology/Chicago-Kent College of Law, January 21, 1975 through June 18, 1978. In addition, I was very active with the Chicago Bar Association, from 1983 until 2005, wherein: in the Administrative Law Practice Committee, I served as: Chair: (Elected to serve from 1997-1998, and elected again, serving from 2002-2005), Elected Vice-Chair (1996-1997 and 2001-2002), and Elected Legislative Liaison (1998-1999 and 2001-2005); in the Administrative Law Judges Service Committee, I was the elected Chair (2002-2003); in the (Illinois) Civil Practice Committee, I served as: Elected Secretary (2004-2005); Elected Chair of Division III, (2002-2003); Elected Vice-Chair of Division III, (2001-2002); and an Elected Representative to the Executive Section (2000-2001), in the Government Service Committee I was the Elected Legislative Liaison (2004-2005), and in the Solo/Small Firm Practitioners Service Committee, I served as: Elected Chair (2003-2004), Elected Vice-Chair (2002-2003), Elected Legislative Liaison (2004-2005). In addition, at various times since 1983, I have belonged to the following additional committees thereof: Appellate Practice Committee, Asset Protection Practice Committee, Bankruptcy/Reorganization Practice Committee, Federal Civil Procedure Practice Committee (as well as the Local Federal Rules Practice Ad Hoc Subcommittee thereof), Income Tax Committee, Law Office Technology Service Committee, Legislative Committee, Professional Responsibility Service Committee, and the Unauthorized Practice of Law/Multi-disciplinary Practice Service Committee.
Community Activities:
Elected Chair, International Association of Workforce Professionals (Illinois Chapter, Central Office Sub-chapter), 2003-2004; Co-Chair By-laws Committee, International Association of Workforce Professionals (Illinois Chapter), 2003-2005; Parliamentarian, International Association of Workforce Professionals (Illinois Chapter), 2002-2005; Member, International Association of Workforce Professionals (Illinois Chapter, Central Office Sub-chapter),1999-2006, First District Delegate to the Indiana State Democratic Convention, June 2000; Member, National Arbor Day Foundation, 2000-2001; Twentieth Anniversary Reunion Chairman, 1978 Graduating Class, Illinois Institute of Technology/Chicago-Kent College of Law, 1998; Member, Illinois Institute of Technology/Chicago-Kent College of Law Alumnae/i; Life Member, Indiana University Alumni Association; Member, Illinois Unemployment Insurance Adjudicators’ Association, 1999-2001; Elected Delegate, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, Bargaining Unit RC-10, Illinois State Convention, Springfield, Illinois, November 1997; Elected Negotiator for Illinois Statewide Master Contract, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, Bargaining Unit RC-10, 1996-1997; Member, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, Bargaining Unit RC-10, July 2, 1990-September 30, 1998; Member, Valparaiso Area Democrat Club, Valparaiso, Indiana, January 1, 1995-2000; Advisory Board Member, Valparaiso Area Democrat Club, Valparaiso, Indiana, 1995-1997; Member, Valparaiso, Indiana Mayor‘s Sign Ordinance Task Force, 1995-1996; Lead Steward, Chicago Central Office, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, Bargaining Unit RC-10, March 1, 1995-September 30, 1998; Elected Negotiator for the first Illinois Statewide Contract for Hearings Referees, Hearings Referee Intermittents, and Technical Advisors IV (all attorney positions), American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, Bargaining Unit RC-10, July 1, 1991-October 31, 1992; Elected Chief Union Spokesperson in the first labor management agreement between FEMA, Region V, and the American Federation of Government Employees, Local #1626, July 1, 1983-May 31, 1985; Elected Chief Steward for Chicago, Illinois and Battle Creek, Michigan, Region V offices of FEMA, 1985; Steward, the American Federation of Government Employees, Local #1626, January 25, 1981-July 7, 1987; Member, the American Federation of Government Employees, Local #1626, January 25, 1981-July 7, 1987; Member, The National Wildlife Federation, 1981-1982; Member, The Save the Dunes Council, 1981-1982; Contributor, Citizens’ Action Coalition, 1981-1982; Associate Member, National Association of Letter Carriers, 1980-1981; Associate Member, American Postal Workers Union, 1979-1980; Member, American Postal Workers Union, November 24, 1978-June 30, 1979; Contributor, Indiana Public Interest Research Group, 1970-1974; Second Class Boy Scout, Tippecanoe Council, West La Fayette, Indiana, 1963-1964; Webelos Scout, Tippecanoe Council, West La Fayette, Indiana, 1963; Cub Scout, Tippecanoe Council, West La Fayette, Indiana, 1961-1963.
Political Activities:
Democratic Election Judge for Precinct 22, Center Township, Porter County, Indiana, November 2, 2010; Door to Door Election Canvasser and Poll Attorney in the Indiana Primary Season for the Campaign of the later Successful Democratic Presidential Nominee, Barack Hussein Obama, in Valparaiso, Indiana, 2008; Elected Chair, International Association of Workforce Professionals (Illinois Chapter, Chicago Central Office Sub-chapter), 2003-2005; Awarded 2001 Presidential Inaugural Commission, May 29, 2001; First District Delegate to the Indiana State Democratic Convention, June 2000; Elected Delegate, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, Bargaining Unit RC-10, Illinois State Convention, Springfield, Illinois, November 1997; Telephone and Door to Door Election Canvasser for the Successful Gubernatorial Campaign of Governor O'Bannon in Indiana, 2000; Campaign Worker for the Successful Mayoral Campaign of Mayor David Butterfield in Valparaiso, Indiana, 1999; Elected Negotiator for Illinois Statewide Master Contract, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, Bargaining Unit RC-10, 1996-1997; Campaign Worker for the Successful Mayoral Campaign of Mayor David Butterfield in Valparaiso, Indiana, 1995; Member, Valparaiso Area Democrat Club, Valparaiso, Indiana, 1995-2000; Advisory Board Member, Valparaiso Area Democrat Club, Valparaiso, Indiana, 1995-1997; Member, Valparaiso, Indiana Mayor‘s Sign Ordinance Task Force, 1995-1996; Co-Chair, PEOPLE Political Activist Donation Program, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, 1995-1998; Elected Negotiator for the first Illinois Statewide Contract for Hearings Referees, Hearings Referee Intermittents, and Technical Advisors IV (all attorney positions), American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, Bargaining Unit RC-10, July 1, 1991-October 31, 1992; Elected Chief Steward for Chicago, Illinois and Battle Creek, Michigan, Region V offices of the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the American Federation of Government Employees, Local #1626, 1985; Election Registration Worker in Cicero Township, Illinois, 1978.
Religious Activities:
I am a registered member (with my wife) of St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Student Newman Center and Community, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana, wherein I have been part of a Diocesan team of facilitators in the Come Holy Spirit program and ( both with my wife) part of a team of facilitators at the St. Teresa of Avila Community in the Financial Peace University seminar. I also occasionally serve as an acolyte for funeral masses, as a lector for weekday masses, as a Eucharistic Minister (with my wife) and I am a team member (with my wife) in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, where I gave a two talks, one on Holy Scripture and the Roman Catholic tradition and one on Conscience. Since 1992, I have also been a registered parishioner at St. Paul Roman Catholic Church, Valparaiso, Indiana, within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gary in Indiana. I have been a fourth degree Knight of Columbus, Father Sorin Assembly, Valparaiso, Indiana. I served the Father Sorin Assembly as Faithful Scribe from 1995-1997. I also belonged to the Knights of Columbus, Council #738, Valparaiso, Indiana. I served as Chancellor with Council #738, 1994-1996 and 2000-2003. I served as Warden with Council #738, 1993-1994. I was also been a member of the board of directors of the Columbian Club (the holding company for the Knights of Columbus, Council #738), Valparaiso, Indiana, 2000-2002. I was the delegate from Council #738 to the Ninety-ninth Convention of the Indiana District of the Knights of Columbus at Indianapolis, April 2000. I am (with my wife) a member of the Continuing Our Retrouvaille Experience (C.O.R.E.) group that meets at St. John the Evangelist Parish, St. John, Indiana. I was a host couple member (with my wife) of Retrouvaille, at Fatima Retreat House, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 2010. I was a student (with my wife) of Retrouvaille, at Fatima Retreat House, Indianapolis, Indiana, January 2010. I was a student (with my wife) of Retrouvaille, having begun at Ancilla Domini College, Donaldson, Indiana, November 1999. Since 1998, I have been a cursillista in the Diocese of Gary, Indiana. Beginning in 1995, I belonged to the Portage, Indiana Worldwide Marriage Encounter Community. I gave a testimonial at Christ Renews His Parish, St. Paul Church, February 1994. I was a founding member of the reborn St. Thomas More Society of the Catholic Lawyers Guild (Diocese of Gary, Indiana), 1995. My wife and I helped found the Valparaiso, Indiana Worldwide Marriage Encounter Community, 1995. I served as a registered member of Sacred Heart Parish, at Whiting, Indiana, within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gary in Indiana, 1985-1992. I served as a lector/commentator at Sacred Heart Parish, at Whiting, Indiana, within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gary in Indiana, 1989-1990. I served as a registered member of St. Bridget Parish, Hobart, Indiana, within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gary in Indiana, 1982-1985. I took a course at the latter parish on Catholic Teachings Inquiry in the fall of 1982 and spring of 1983. I served as a registered member of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Valparaiso, Indiana, within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gary in Indiana, 1981-1982. I served as a registered member of St. Mary Cathedral Parish, Cheyenne, Wyoming, within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cheyenne in Wyoming, where I took three adult religion courses (Master Catechist Class, Adult Sunday School (Catechism) and Catholic Teachings Inquiry), 1979-1981. I was a registered parishioner and served as a member of the liturgy committee at St. Frances of Rome Parish, at Cicero, Illinois, within the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago in Illinois, 1975-1976. I served as a lector/commentator at Blessed Sacrament Parish, West La Fayette, Indiana of the Roman Catholic Diocese of La Fayette in Indiana, 1967-1968. I served as an altar boy at Blessed Sacrament Parish, West La Fayette, Indiana of the Roman Catholic Diocese of La Fayette in Indiana, 1962-1968.
Union Activities:
Elected Delegate, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, Bargaining Unit RC-10, Illinois State Convention, Springfield, Illinois, November 1997. Elected Negotiator for Illinois Statewide Master Contract, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, Bargaining Unit RC-10, 1996-1997. Lead Steward for the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, singlehandedly representing most employees in grievances and discipline cases in all but one case during that time in the Chicago central office, as well as some departmental local offices and another department’s Chicago office, both in my own bargaining unit of attorneys (as well as bargaining units representing other employee positions), March 1995 until September 30, 1998. Co-Chair, PEOPLE Political Activist Donation Program, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, 1995-1998; Elected Negotiator for the first Illinois Statewide Contract for Hearings Referees, Hearings Referee Intermittents, and Technical Advisors IV (all attorney positions), American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, Bargaining Unit RC-10, July 1, 1991-October 31, 1992. Member, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, RC-10, July 1, 1990-September 30, 1998. Organizer, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, Local #1006, RC-10, July 2, 1990-June 30, 1991. Elected Chief Steward for Chicago, Illinois and Battle Creek, Michigan, Region V offices of the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the American Federation of Government Employees, Local #1626, 1985. Steward for Chicago, Illinois and Battle Creek, Michigan, Region V offices of the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the American Federation of Government Employees, Local #1626 singlehandedly representing union members in all but one grievance or discipline and unfair labor practice case during that time in the Chicago regional office, March 1981 through July 17, 1987. Member, American Federation of Government Employees, Local #1626, March 1981 through July 17, 1987. Organizer, American Federation of Government Employees, Local #1626 in Chicago, Illinois, 1981. Associate Member, National Association of Letter Carriers, 1980-1981. Associate Member, American Postal Workers Union, July 1979-June 1980. Member, American Postal Workers Union, November 1978-June 1979.