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Installed 7 years ago
Tera Term
Tera Term - It is a terminal emulation program that allows you to connect to Linux boxes.
Removed 7 years ago
Firefox - Surf the Internet securely on an open-source web browser.
Installed 7 years ago
Arduino - An IDE that makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board.
Removed 7 years ago
Arduino - An IDE that makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board.
Installed 7 years ago
View all 34 programs
Removed 7 years ago
View all 14 programs
Installed 7 years ago
No-IP DUC - It allows you to monitor your home remotely via webcam or access your computer.
Removed 7 years ago
No-IP DUC - It allows you to monitor your home remotely via webcam or access your computer.
Installed 7 years ago
Angry IP Scanner
Angry IP Scanner - Scans nearby IP addresses, hostnames, MAC addresses, etc.
Removed 7 years ago
Angry IP Scanner
Angry IP Scanner - Scans nearby IP addresses, hostnames, MAC addresses, etc.