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Installed 7 years ago
View all 9 programs
Removed 7 years ago
Dictation Pro
Dictation Pro - This useful program types for you in an easy and affordable manner.
Installed 7 years ago
My Screen Recorder
My Screen Recorder - Records everything you see and hear from your computer screen.
Dictation Pro
Dictation Pro - This useful program types for you in an easy and affordable manner.
Removed 7 years ago
Text Speaker
Text Speaker - Hear any text in a human voice, or save it as MP3 files for portable players.
View all 6 programs
Installed 7 years ago
Text Speaker
Text Speaker - Hear any text in a human voice, or save it as MP3 files for portable players.
View all 10 programs
Removed 7 years ago
McAfee Security Scan Plus
McAfee Security Scan Plus - McAfee Security Scan Plus is a free diagnostic tool for Windows.
Installed 7 years ago
My Story Writer
My Story Writer - Manage your writing schedule and track your progress with calendars
EF Talk Scriber
EF Talk Scriber - Text editor and audio file player to emulate a dictation transcribing machine.
Speaking Notepad
Speaking Notepad - A very complete text editor with a reading-aloud function.
View all 8 programs
Removed 7 years ago
Declan's Italian FlashCards
Declan's Italian FlashCards - Declan's Italian FlashCards helps us learn the Italian vocabulary.
Installed 7 years ago
Ouino Italian Trial
Ouino Italian Trial - This Italian learning tool allows you to choose what part you want to learn.
Egyptian Arabic dictionary
Egyptian Arabic dictionary - Egyptian Arabic dictionary allows you to learn Egyptian Arabic language.
Removed 7 years ago
NextUp Talker
NextUp Talker - Software that allows those who have lost their voice to speak with others.
Free Ringtones
Free Ringtones - Free Ringtones brings you the latest mobile content. You can download free ringtones (MP3 Ringtones,
Voted 7 years ago
Ouino Italian Trial
Ouino Italian Trial - This Italian learning tool allows you to choose what part you want to learn.
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Ouino Italian Trial
Ouino Italian Trial - This Italian learning tool allows you to choose what part you want to learn.
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Installed 7 years ago
Gaberoff Koral Italian Free Dictionary
Gaberoff Koral Italian Free Dictionary - Gaberoff Koral is an Italian-Bulgarian dictionary with over 40.000 words.
Linguata Italian
Linguata Italian - Linguata Italian gives you the freedom to learn and speak Italian.
Declan's Italian FlashCards
Declan's Italian FlashCards - Declan's Italian FlashCards helps us learn the Italian vocabulary.
View all 4 programs
Removed 7 years ago
VoiceTranslator - Allows you to practice translation between two languages in a natural way.
Google Translate Tool
Google Translate Tool - Free and straightforward translation tool with support for nearly 60 languages.
Installed 7 years ago
VoiceTranslator - Allows you to practice translation between two languages in a natural way.
Google Translate Tool
Google Translate Tool - Free and straightforward translation tool with support for nearly 60 languages.
WavePad Sound Editor
WavePad Sound Editor - Record and edit music, voice, and other audio recordings.
View all 11 programs