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Satarupa Saha
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Satarupa Saha
I'm a Beginner on Software Informer
Recent activity
10 years ago
- Easily view and edit your photos and share them to Google+.
10 years ago
Search Protection
Browser Extensions
360 Total Security
- Integrating award winning antivirus engines from 360 Cloud Scan Engine.
10 years ago
360 Total Security
- Integrating award winning antivirus engines from 360 Cloud Scan Engine.
- Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP, and Perl.
10 years ago
- Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP, and Perl.
10 years ago
Google Chrome
- A popular web browsers, known for its speed, simplicity, and security.
Windows Live
- Windows Live is a set of services provided for free by Microsoft Corporation.
Software Informer
- Download popular programs, drivers and latest updates easily.
10 years ago
- Chat and make audio/video calls with your friends.
- Surf the Internet securely on an open-source web browser.
Microsoft Office Word
- Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents.
Microsoft Office Excel
- Take your skills to the next level with tables, formulas, formatting and more.
Microsoft Office
- Create word documents, presentations, databases, and spreadsheets.
Internet Explorer
- Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.
Google Drive
- Back up files from your computer, camera, or SD cards to the cloud.
Adobe Reader XI
Adobe AIR
- Enables developers to package the same code into native apps.
View all 9 programs
10 years ago
- Surf the Internet securely on an open-source web browser.
Microsoft Office Publisher
- It will help you to create, personalize and distribute newsletters, brochures.
Microsoft Office Outlook
- Microsoft Outlook offers premium business and personal e-mail management tools.
Microsoft Office OneNote
- Microsoft Office OneNote is a program that lets you manage your notes.
Microsoft Office Excel
- Take your skills to the next level with tables, formulas, formatting and more.
Microsoft Office Access
- It is a database tool for gathering and understanding all your information.
Internet Explorer
- Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 allows you to create and share dynamic presentations
Microsoft Office Word
- Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents.
- Chat and make audio/video calls with your friends.
Adobe AIR
- Enables developers to package the same code into native apps.
Adobe Reader XI
Microsoft Office
- Create word documents, presentations, databases, and spreadsheets.
View all 13 programs
10 years ago
- It is a light client which allows you to make fast and reliable downloads.
10 years ago
- It is a light client which allows you to make fast and reliable downloads.
10 years ago
Google Chrome
- A popular web browsers, known for its speed, simplicity, and security.
10 years ago
Google Chrome
- A popular web browsers, known for its speed, simplicity, and security.
10 years ago
360 Total Security
- Integrating award winning antivirus engines from 360 Cloud Scan Engine.
10 years ago
360 Total Security
- Integrating award winning antivirus engines from 360 Cloud Scan Engine.
Microsoft Office Project Professional
- Pre-built templates help you get your project started on the right track.
Microsoft Office Outlook
- Microsoft Outlook offers premium business and personal e-mail management tools.
Microsoft Office File Validation Add-In
- Office File Validation is a security add-in for Office 2003 and 2007.
Microsoft Office Enterprise
- An enhanced version of Microsoft Office Professional Plus.
Microsoft Office
- Create word documents, presentations, databases, and spreadsheets.
View all 6 programs
10 years ago
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
- Microsoft Visual Studio is the best programming IDE available.
Microsoft Office Word
- Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents.
Microsoft Office
- Create word documents, presentations, databases, and spreadsheets.
java update
Internet Explorer
- Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.
View all 5 programs
10 years ago
Microsoft Office Word
- Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents.
java update
- It's designed to make your download experience easier and quicker than ever.
Internet Explorer
- Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.
View all 4 programs
10 years ago
Microsoft Office Project Professional
- Pre-built templates help you get your project started on the right track.
Microsoft Office Outlook
- Microsoft Outlook offers premium business and personal e-mail management tools.
Microsoft Office File Validation Add-In
- Office File Validation is a security add-in for Office 2003 and 2007.
Microsoft Office Enterprise
- An enhanced version of Microsoft Office Professional Plus.
FileHippo Manager
- Simple software update utility to help you access new versions of your programs.
- Update and fix problems with Windows device drivers.
View all 6 programs
10 years ago
- Update and fix problems with Windows device drivers.
10 years ago
- It is a light client which allows you to make fast and reliable downloads.
10 years ago
- It is a light client which allows you to make fast and reliable downloads.
10 years ago
Windows Media Player
- A powerful and convenient media manager from Microsoft
- Surf the Internet securely on an open-source web browser.
Microsoft Office Word
- Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents.
Microsoft Office
- Create word documents, presentations, databases, and spreadsheets.
Internet Explorer
- Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.
Google Chrome
- A popular web browsers, known for its speed, simplicity, and security.
- It is a light client which allows you to make fast and reliable downloads.
Adobe Reader XI
Adobe AIR
- Enables developers to package the same code into native apps.
View all 9 programs
10 years ago
- It is a light client which allows you to make fast and reliable downloads.
Microsoft Office Excel
- Take your skills to the next level with tables, formulas, formatting and more.
- You can turn your PC into a Wi-Fi hotspot and share Internet with other devices.
Google Chrome
- A popular web browsers, known for its speed, simplicity, and security.
- Surf the Internet securely on an open-source web browser.
Adobe AIR
- Enables developers to package the same code into native apps.
Windows Media Player
- A powerful and convenient media manager from Microsoft
McAfee Security Scan Plus
- McAfee Security Scan Plus is a free diagnostic tool for Windows.
Internet Explorer
- Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.
Adobe Reader XI
Microsoft Office OneNote
- Microsoft Office OneNote is a program that lets you manage your notes.
Microsoft Office
- Create word documents, presentations, databases, and spreadsheets.
Microsoft Office Word
- Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents.
Microsoft Office Publisher
- It will help you to create, personalize and distribute newsletters, brochures.
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 allows you to create and share dynamic presentations
Microsoft Office Outlook
- Microsoft Outlook offers premium business and personal e-mail management tools.
Microsoft Office Access
- It is a database tool for gathering and understanding all your information.
View all 17 programs
10 years ago
- It is a light client which allows you to make fast and reliable downloads.
10 years ago
- It is a light client which allows you to make fast and reliable downloads.
Microsoft Office Enterprise
- An enhanced version of Microsoft Office Professional Plus.
10 years ago
Microsoft Office
- Create word documents, presentations, databases, and spreadsheets.
10 years ago
Microsoft Office File Validation Add-In
- Office File Validation is a security add-in for Office 2003 and 2007.
Microsoft Office Outlook
- Microsoft Outlook offers premium business and personal e-mail management tools.
Microsoft Office Project Professional
- Pre-built templates help you get your project started on the right track.
Microsoft Office
- Create word documents, presentations, databases, and spreadsheets.
View all 4 programs
10 years ago
- Surf the Internet securely on an open-source web browser.
Microsoft Office File Validation Add-In
- Office File Validation is a security add-in for Office 2003 and 2007.
Internet Explorer
- Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.