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Installed 10 years ago
VideoPad Video Editor
VideoPad Video Editor - Free video editing and movie making software for Windows PC
BurnAware Free
BurnAware Free - Burn CD, DVD and Blu-ray discs, erase discs, and create ISO files.
View all 26 programs
Removed 10 years ago
iTunes - Organize and enjoy the music, movies, and TV shows on your computer.
iCloud - Essential for keeping personal information from your devices safe.
Apple Software Update
Apple Software Update - Find the latest updates for Apple appls: iTunes, Quicktime, Safari, etc.
View all 7 programs
Installed 10 years ago
QuickTime - Play key media formats, including H.264 and AAC ones.
iTunes - Organize and enjoy the music, movies, and TV shows on your computer.
iCloud - Essential for keeping personal information from your devices safe.
View all 22 programs
Removed 11 years ago
Facebook Messenger
Facebook Messenger - This is a messaging service to stay in touch with friends and see recent news.