Recent activity

Installed 9 years ago
RegClean Pro
RegClean Pro - Enhance overall PC performance and make it more stable.
Removed 9 years ago
SpeedUpMyPC - Optimizes Windows PC by removing junk files and invalid registry entries.
Mozilla Maintenance Service
Mozilla Maintenance Service - The service allows Firefox to install updates without UAC confirmation.
RegClean Pro
RegClean Pro - Enhance overall PC performance and make it more stable.
Installed 9 years ago
SpeedUpMyPC - Optimizes Windows PC by removing junk files and invalid registry entries.
MyPC Backup
MyPC Backup - Securely Backup Your PC and Mac Files Online - Access Them Anytime
Removed 9 years ago
Installed 9 years ago
Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Office Word - Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents.
Microsoft Office Publisher
Microsoft Office Publisher - It will help you to create, personalize and distribute newsletters, brochures.
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Office PowerPoint - Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 allows you to create and share dynamic presentations
View all 9 programs
Removed 9 years ago
Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Office Word - Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents.
Microsoft Office Publisher
Microsoft Office Publisher - It will help you to create, personalize and distribute newsletters, brochures.
View all 10 programs
Installed 9 years ago
Brackets - Open source text and code editor for designing web applications.
Tv-Plug-In - It is a program that allows you to watch various online TV channels.
Removed 9 years ago
Installed 9 years ago
View all 11 programs
Removed 9 years ago
Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Office Word - Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents.
Microsoft Office Publisher
Microsoft Office Publisher - It will help you to create, personalize and distribute newsletters, brochures.
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Office PowerPoint - Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 allows you to create and share dynamic presentations
View all 8 programs
Installed 9 years ago
RegClean Pro
RegClean Pro - Enhance overall PC performance and make it more stable.
Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Office Word - Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents.
Microsoft Office Publisher
Microsoft Office Publisher - It will help you to create, personalize and distribute newsletters, brochures.
View all 11 programs
Removed 9 years ago
Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Office Word - Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents.
View all 10 programs
Installed 9 years ago
Notepad++ - A free source code editor and Notepad replacement.
Removed 9 years ago
Notepad++ - A free source code editor and Notepad replacement.
Installed 9 years ago
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer - Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.
Removed 9 years ago
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer - Browse the Web in a secure environment with HTML5 support.
ASIO4ALL - Universal audio-sound device driver for all type of WDM supporting computers
View all 4 programs