Recent activity

Installed 9 years ago
VLC media player
VLC media player - Plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, etc.
Removed 9 years ago
VLC media player
VLC media player - Plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, etc.
Installed 9 years ago
ConvertXtoDVD - Converts one or more regular video files into a customized DVD movie.
Audacity - Collaborate on projects and create versioned backups.
Removed 9 years ago
Audacity - Collaborate on projects and create versioned backups.
Installed 9 years ago
ASIO4ALL - Universal audio-sound device driver for all type of WDM supporting computers
Removed 9 years ago
ASIO4ALL - Universal audio-sound device driver for all type of WDM supporting computers